Thursday 16 August 2012

What Are Hemroids Q&a

Mary asks…

My wife is pregnant and is delveloping Hemroids, what can she do?

What will give her the best releif?

admin answers:

Not much she can do, considering it's normal. But the link below should be able to help a little. Congrats and good luck!

Chris asks…

How can you tell if you have hemroids?

I heard some people say they never knew they had hemroids. Then I heard stories of people who said it hurt to sit down or poop. Then I heard you get constipated and cant poop, and when you do you pass blood? But it doesnt hurt? Im confused...If hemroids dont hurt then why do so many people complain about them....or do they hurt..what happens. I dont get it. (sorry I was reading about it in my pregnancy book).

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