Thursday, 16 August 2012

Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids Q&A

Sharon asks…

Anusol HC for Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids, please help?

Hi, my GP given me this medication as he thinks I may be displaying symptoms of hemorrhoids. The problem is, the pain went away when he'd given me them so I didn't bother taking them. Two months later I still have the medication but I have a few questions; 1) It says on drug sites to not take them if you have a rectal obstruction, abscess, or perforation; irritation of the peritoneum (lining of the abdomen); or fistulas. My symptoms suggest hemorrhoids or abscess, my GP isn't sure. He given me the medication knowing that I may have a symptom that restricts me from taking this medication. 2) Does it hurt taking them? They're so huge... 3) Best way too take them? 4) It was a while ago, how often do I take them? I think it's once a day for 12 days but I'm not 100%. 5) I also had a night out last night drinking Algol with friends, would this disturb me in any way? Thanks guys, I really appreciate your help. Alcohol*, sorry this spell check isn't that good, lol. Also, I'm asking because the pain has come back.

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