Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Hemorrhoids Pictures Q&a

Donald asks…

Hemorrhoids? Little confused.?

So apparently I might have a hemorrhoid. Confusing part is I've had it sense I was a little kid. Never hurts, never bleeds, never had any problems with it. Thought everyone's *** hole had it. As I got older I came across; more often, porn like pictures. Turns out not every one has that. My mom said it's a hemorrhoid, But I read up on it and none of which matches up with me. I don't have chronic constipation or diarrhea, I'm not fat and eat healthy, not pregnant, the only thing that does make sense is that since I was a kid I loved sitting in the bathroom on the can for hours. I just enjoy the privacy. So Is that whats doing it? If so, how do I get ride of it, am I going to die or will it get worse? I want it to go away with out seeing a doctor.

admin answers:

Are you familiar with Kegel exercises? They will help reduce the size of the hemorrhoid. If it doesn't itch, hurt to go to the bathroom, or bleed, the hemorrhoid is harmless. If it starts to itch, try a suppository (like Preparation H). You are probably correct that your toileting habits as a child contributed to it. But the Kegel exercises (link listed below) will really help.

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